Category "Immortal Artifacts"

“Eat the Rich” – A Twilight x Fifty Shades AU Crack!Spitefic

Yes, I know, I promised you all chapter 10 part 2 of Fifty Shades Revisited weeks ago. It’s coming soon, I promise. I’ve just been busy with a big video project for my fledgling YouTube channel that involves watching basically every Dracula adaptation ever, that’s all, no biggie. However, I...

Introducing THE BLOOD ALCHEMIST, my Fantasy WIP… and Reintroducing Siena Noble(???)

Wow-ee, everyone! Guess who’s possibly kind of back; it’s your favorite(?) procrastinating and self-deprecating romance author! Now, that’s what I call some clickbait SEO. But before you click away again, I really do have some big announcements that I’ve been putting off for a while since I’ve been busy with...