Category "Upcoming Releases"

Introducing THE BLOOD ALCHEMIST, my Fantasy WIP… and Reintroducing Siena Noble(???)

Wow-ee, everyone! Guess who’s possibly kind of back; it’s your favorite(?) procrastinating and self-deprecating romance author! Now, that’s what I call some clickbait SEO. But before you click away again, I really do have some big announcements that I’ve been putting off for a while since I’ve been busy with...

Fifty Shades of Grey Revisited Chapter One: So, We Meet Again, my Old Nemesis

It’s 2021, bitches, and do you know what that means? Yep, it’s the 10th anniversary we’ve all (?) been waiting for: Fifty Shades officially turns a decade old. So, uh, yeah, we’re really doing this. This is where my life is at right now. As you might recall from my...