Category "Announcements"

Fifty Shades of Grey Revisited Chapter Ten (Part 1): Paging Dr. Cool Mom

FYI, I’ve just republished my first three romance novels–Whip Smart, Strictly Business, and High Risk–for a limited time only. So, if you’d like to support what I do here (but don’t want to commit to Patreon and Ko-fi isn’t your thing) and you’d like to get a taste of my...

Angels & Demons Revisited Prologue – Chapter 3: Surprise! You Just Got Dan Brown’d

Wait, huh? This isn’t April Fools Day, and this isn’t another Fifty Shades recap. What’s going on here? Well, folks, apropos of nothing other than my hyperactive and attention-deficit brain having too many ideas and no time management skills, I’ve decided to break up my breakdown of Fifty Shades with...

Introducing THE BLOOD ALCHEMIST, my Fantasy WIP… and Reintroducing Siena Noble(???)

Wow-ee, everyone! Guess who’s possibly kind of back; it’s your favorite(?) procrastinating and self-deprecating romance author! Now, that’s what I call some clickbait SEO. But before you click away again, I really do have some big announcements that I’ve been putting off for a while since I’ve been busy with...

Fifty Shades of Grey Revisited Chapter One: So, We Meet Again, my Old Nemesis

It’s 2021, bitches, and do you know what that means? Yep, it’s the 10th anniversary we’ve all (?) been waiting for: Fifty Shades officially turns a decade old. So, uh, yeah, we’re really doing this. This is where my life is at right now. As you might recall from my...